Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions in the eibabo® store.

Item not found?

I can’t find an item I am looking for...

If you can’t find an item you need, please check first whether we carry the manufacturer of the item you are looking for. To do so, please enter the manufacturer’s name in the search field. If other items are found, then we do carry this manufacturer in our product range and can certainly procure the item and offer it to you very quickly on fair terms. Even if you can’t find the manufacturer, it is worth inquiring.

To do so, please send us a brief message using the menu item “Inquiry” on the detailed view of any item from the desired manufacturer and inform us of your name, your email address, the desired quantity, item name, manufacturer, manufacturer item number and/or manufacturer order number, or EAN/GTIN as well. The more detail you can provide, the better. Of course, you can also use the contact form.

By making an inquiry, you are not entering into any kind of obligations. This is merely an inquiry. After receiving the inquiry, we will review it and respond to you by email either on the same day or no later than the next working day and clarify how we will proceed if you are interested in purchasing.

eibabo® has an available item portfolio of more than a million items relating to electrical engineering and electronics. Although we choose not to list every single item online, we can acquire nearly every item for you quickly and cost-effectively as long as it is still offered by the manufacturer.


Top 3 FAQs

1. What shipping costs are calculated?

You can find the shipping costs near the item price by clicking a link. The shipping cost overview page can be accessed from the service area in the main menu (desktop version) or in the footer (mobile version).

As long as a fixed price per order has not been set for a selected shipping method in the current country of delivery, which is generally the case for all EU countries and Switzerland (see shipping cost overview page), the shipping costs will be calculated based on the item weights in your shipping cart, information about bulkiness as well as delivery address and currently selected shipping method. Weight-based shipping cost calculations are generally in place for deliveries to third countries as well as Liechtenstein and Iceland (DHL EXPRESS or DHL INTERNATIONAL). The shipping costs for the items in the cart will only be recalculated if further items are added to the cart or if the country of destination or the shipping method is changed.

2. How does customs clearance work with eibabo® and what customs fees am I required to pay?

Every country has normal duty rates that apply when importing goods. There are also so-called preferential customs rates that are only granted subject to specific conditions; these are generally significantly lower than the normal duty rate.

Whether the goods are eligible for preferential customs rates or not may depend, for instance, on the origin of the goods and whether preferential agreements exist between the European Community and the country of importation, for instance special agreements exist with the EFTA countries Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Importation at the preferential customs rate, which is frequently 0%, is granted if the imported goods are considered products of origin under the meaning of the preferential agreement. This is only the case if the goods were entirely obtained or manufactured in the region of the contractual party in question.

eibabo® is an undertaking of GmbH. GmbH is one of the few exporters authorized by the customs authorities in these industry. Multiple times a year, the customs authorities review compliance with all criteria. eibmarkt® GmbH is connected to the data center of the AEB and acts in accordance with the ATLAS procedure certified by the federal finance office. Our own digital customs clearance allows us to inspect and influence processes in a rapid, unbureaucratic manner. Our employees receive comprehensive training in this system and have multilingual backgrounds to answer international customer inquiries.

This means that we procure all the necessary goods documentation for export (certificates of origin, movement certificate, proof of preference, other necessary accompanying papers in the import country) to offer you the highest possible degree of comfort and security. Furthermore, every shipment of goods will be declared correctly, which will save you as a customer lots of additional expenses and problems with mailing and customs.

3. Are there discounts for resellers or repeat customers of eibabo®?

Published eibabo® discounts are equally valid for all customers, whether consumers (private customers) or business customers. However, it is possible to establish special conditions for specific customers for the entire product range or for specific items or manufacturers. This is generally reviewed and granted after the first order and depends on the anticipated sales volume. You can send a review directly to [email protected] and at the same time to [email protected] or using the contact options indicated in the store.

This option is very interesting for repeat customers who are very familiar with the eibabo® store and regularly place orders, if these order values are below the limit values for granting discounts.

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